77779193永利官网教授,博士生导师,省学术与技术带头人后备人选。主持和主研国家级、省部级项目10余项,获四川省科技进步一等奖一项、四川省教学成果二、三等奖各一项,以第一作者和通讯作者发表SCI收录论文27篇(引用次数近700多次);四川省环境保护政策法制研究会第四届理事,四川省人民检察院第四届专家咨询委员会委员,教育部学位中心研究生论文函评专家(2014~),成都市环境保护局环境政策法规专家(2012~),国际能值分析协会会员(2014~),四川省环境科学学会会员(2014~);《Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews》(SCI/EI)、《Applied Energy》(SCI/EI)、《Bioresource Technology》(SCI/EI)、《Science of the Total Environment》(SCI/EI)、《Journal of Cleaner Production》(SCI/EI)、《Ecological Indicators》(SCI/EI)、《Resources, Conservation & Recycling》(SCI/EI)、《农业工程学报》(中文核心期刊,EI收录)等国内外杂志审稿专家。
1. 国家科技部, 国家重点研发计划, 2017YFD0200703-2, 聚醚类聚氨酯包膜肥料产品性能评价及应用示范, 2017-07至2020-12, 80万, 在研, 主持;
2.成都市蒲江县生态环境局, 校地合作项目, 2122339002, 蒲江县农业源大气污染物排放特征试点研究项目, 2021-1至2021-12, 25.95万, 在研, 主持;
3. 成都市环境科学研究院, 校地合作项目, 643H1700, 成都市大气臭氧污染成因及防治研究服务, 2016-1至2017-12, 3.5万, 已结题, 主持;
4. 四川省科技厅, 四川省科技支撑计划, 2014NZ0045, 乡村生产生活废弃物能源化利用技术体系研究与示范, 2014-01至2017-12, 60万, 已结题, 参加;
5. 四川省人力与社会资源保障厅, 四川省学术与技术带头人培养资金, 03109102, 基于能值的城镇污水处理系统可持续性研究, 2014-01至2014-12, 5万, 已结题, 主持;
6. 国家自然科学基金委, 国家自然科学基金, 41073101, 二次有机气溶胶中2-甲基丁四醇的稳定碳同位素测定, 2011-01至2014.12, 36万元, 已结题, 参加;
7. 四川省教育厅, 四川省教育厅项目, 09ZA064, 水解酸化-好氧生物流化床处理养殖废水的研究, 2009-01至2011-12, 3万元, 已结题, 主持;
8. 国家科技部, 国家科技支撑计划, 2008BADC4B04, 南方山丘区沼液生态达标处理型沼气工程示范-南方山丘区沼液农用的土壤承受力研究, 2008-12至2011-12, 47万元, 已结题, 参加.
1. 畜禽养殖废弃物处理与资源化利用, 四川省人民政府, 四川省科技进步奖, 一等奖,2011(排名第7)
3. 突出农业院校特色,创新环境科学与工程学科本科人才培养模式,2014年四川省教学成果三等奖(排名第4)
4. 突出农业院校特色,创新环境科学与工程学科本科人才培养模式,77779193永利官网教学成果奖一等奖,2013(排名第4)
5. 《高等农业院校环境工程专业实践教学体系的构建与实践》,2004年77779193永利官网教学成果一等奖(排名第2);
6. 《改革本科人才培养模式,促进我校环境学科专业跨越式发展》,2008年77779193永利官网教学成果二等奖(排名第2);
7. 77779193永利官网2011-2012学年度“优秀班主任”;
8. 77779193永利官网2012-2013学年度毕业生就业工作先进工作者。
9. 2015-2016学年度研究生就业工作先进个人。
1. Yanfeng Lyu, Xiangdong Yang, Hengyu Pan, Xiaohong Zhang*, Haoxing Cao, Sergio Ulgiati, Jun Wu, Yanzong Zhang, Guiyin Wang, Yinlong Xiao. Impact of fertilization schemes with different ratios of urea to controlled release nitrogen fertilizer on environmental sustainability, nitrogen use efficiency and economic benefit of rice production: A study case from Southwest China. Journal of Cleaner Production 2021; 293: 126198.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.126198(SCI/EI, 2019IF=7.246)
2. Xiaohong Zhang*, Ni Xiang, Hengyu Pan, Xiangdong Yang, Jun Wu, Yanzong Zhang, Hongbing Luo, Changlian Xu. Performance comparison of cement production before and after implementing heat recovery power generation based on emergy analysis and economic evaluation: A case from China. Journal of Cleaner Production 2021; 290: 125901.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.125901(SCI/EI, 2019IF=7.246)
3. Yanfeng Lyu, Xiaohong Zhang*, Xiangdong Yang, Jun Wu, Lili Lin, Yanzong Zhang, Guiyin Wang, Yinlong Xiao, Hong Peng, Xuemei Zhu, Xiaoyu Yu. Performance assessment of rice production based on yield, economic output, energy consumption, and carbon emissions in Southwest China during 2004–2016. Ecological Indicators 2020, 117: 106667. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106667 (SCI/EI, 2019IF=4.229)
4. Yuhong Chen, Xiaohong Zhang*, Xiangdong Yang, Yanfeng Lv, Jun Wu, Lili Lin, Yanzong Zhang, Guiyin Wang, Yinlong Xiao, Xuemei Zhu, Xiaoyu Yu, Hong Peng. Emergy evaluation and economic analysis of compound fertilizer production: A case study from China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 260: 121095. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.121095. (SCI/EI, 2018IF=6.395)
5. Jianming Shen, Xiaohong Zhang*, Yanfeng Lv, Xiangdong Yang, Jun Wu, Lili Lin, Yanzong Zhang. An improved emergy evaluation of the environmental sustainability of China’s steel production from 2005 to 2015. Ecological Indicators, 2019; 103: 55–69. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.03.051. SCI- 000470965300006 (SCI/SSCI, 2018IF=4.49)
6. Yashuang Feng, Xiaohong Zhang*, Yanfeng Lv, Yangfan Chen, Xiangdong Yang, Wenjie Liao, Jun Wu, Lili Lin, Xiaoyu Yu, Yanzong Zhang. Performance evaluation of two flue gas denitration systems in China using an emergy-based combined approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 204: 803-818. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.09.045. SCI- 000448092500070 (SCI/EI, 2017IF=5.651)
7. Yan Qi, Xiaohong Zhang*, Xiangdong Yang, Yanfeng Lv, Jun Wu, Lili Lin, Yinlong Xiao, Hui Qi, Xiaoyu Yu, Yanzong Zhang. The environmental sustainability evaluation of an urban tap water treatment plant based on emergy. Ecological Indicators, 2018; 94: 28–38. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2018.06.042. SCI- 000452692500005 (SCI/SSCI, 2017IF=3.983)
8. Yanqing Wang , Xiaohong Zhang*, Wenjie Liao, Jun Wu, Xiangdong Yang, Wei Shui, Shihuai Deng, Yanzong Zhang, Lili Lin, Yinlong Xiao, Xiaoyu Yu, Hong Peng. Investigating impact of waste reuse on the sustainability of municipal solid waste (MSW) incineration industry using emergy approach: A case study from Sichuan province, China. Waste Management, 2018; 77: 252-267. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2018.04.003. SCI-000440389600027 (SCI/SSCI, 2017IF=4.723)
9. Xiaohong Zhang*, Ni Xiang, Wenlong Wang, Wenjie Liao, Xiangdong Yang, Wei Shui, Jun Wu, Shihuai Deng. An emergy evaluation of the sewage sludge treatment system with earthworm compositing technology in Chengdu, China. Ecological Engineering, 2018,110:8-17. Doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2017.10.007. SCI-000417048500002 (SCI/EI, 2016IF=2.914)
10. Xiaohong Zhang*, Jianming Shen, Yanqing Wang, Yan Qi, Wenjie Liao, Wei Shui, Li Li, Hui Qi, Xiaoyu Yu. An environmental sustainability assessment of China’s cement industry based on emergy. Ecological indicators,2017; 72: 452-458. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.08.046. SCI-000398426200046 (SCI/SSCI, 2015IF=3.190)
11. Xiaohong Zhang*, Yan Qi, Yanqing Wang, Jun Wu, Lili Lin, Hong Peng, Hui Qi, Xiaoyu Yu, Yanzong Zhang. Effect of the tap water supply system on China’s economy and energy consumption, and its emissions’ impact. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2016; 64: 660-671. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2016.06.067. SCI-000381833200048 (SCI/SSCI, 2015IF=6.798)
12. Hengyu Pan, Xiaohong Zhang*, Yanqing Wang, Yan Qi, Jun Wu, Lili Lin, Hong Peng, Hui Qi, Xiaoyu Yu, Yanzong Zhang. Emergy evaluation of an industrial park in Sichuan Province, China: A modified emergy approach and its application. Journal of Cleaner Production 2016; 135:105-118. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.06.102. SCI-000382792900011 (SCI/EI, 2015IF=4.959)
13. Xiaohong Zhang*, Yanqing Wang, Yan Qi, Jun Wu, Wenjie Liao, Wei Shui, Yanzong Zhang, Shihuai Deng, Hong Peng, Xiaoyu Yu, Hui Qi. Evaluating the trends of China's ecological civilization construction using a novel indicator system. Journal of Cleaner Production 2016;133: 910-923. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.06.034. SCI-000381545200083 (SCI/SSCI, 2015IF=4.959)
14. Hengyu Pan, Xiaohong Zhang*, Jun Wu, Yanzong Zhang, Lili Lin, Gang Yang, Shihuai Deng, Li Li, Xiaoyu Yu, Hui Qi, Hong Peng. Sustainability evaluation of a steel production system in China based on emergy. Journal of Cleaner Production 2016; 112: 1498-1509. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.05.019. SCI-000368206800024 (SCI/EI, 2014IF=3.884) (责任作者)
15. Xiao-Hong Zhang*, Rong Zhang, Jun Wu, Yan-Zong Zhang, Li-Li Lin, Shi-Huai Deng, Li Li, Gang Yang, Xiao-Yu Yu, Hui Qi, Hong Peng. An emergy evaluation of the sustainability of Chinese crop production system during 2000-2010. Ecological Indicators, 2016; (60): 622-633. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2015.08.004. SCI-000367407000064 (SCI/EI, 2015IF=3.444)
16. XiaoHong Zhang*, Jun Cao, JinRong Li, ShiHuai Deng, YanZong Zhang, Jun Wu. Influence of sewage treatment on China's energy consumption and economy and its performances. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015; 49: 1009–1018. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2015.04.182. SCI-000357141900079 (SCI/EI, 2014IF=5.901)
17. XiaoHong Zhang*;Ye Wei;HengYu Pan;Hong Xiao;Jun Wu;YanZong Zhang. The comparison of performances of a sewage treatment system before and after implementing the cleaner production measure. Journal of cleaner production, 2015; 91: 216-228. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.12.025. SCI-000350940400025 (SCI/EI, 2014IF=3.884)
18. XiaoHong Zhang*, HengYu Pan, Jun Cao, JinRong Li. Energy consumption of China’s crop production system and the related emissions. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015, 43:111–125. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2014.11.034. SCI-000348880600011 (SCI/SSCI, 2014IF=5.901)
19. XiaoHong Zhang*, Ye Wei, Min Li, ShiHuai Deng, Jun Wu, YanZong Zhang, Hong Xiao. Emergy evaluation of an integrated livestockwastewater treatment system. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2014, 92: 95–107. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2014.09.003. SCI-000345184200009 (SCI/EI, 2013IF=2.692)
20. He Hu, Xiao-Hong Zhang*, Li-Li Lin. The interactions between China’s economic growth, energy production and consumption and the related air emissions during 2000–2011. Ecological Indicators, 2014, 46: 38–51. Doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2014.06.007. SCI-000342656100004 (SCI/EI, 2013IF=3.23) (责任作者)
21. XiaoHong Zhang*, He Hu, Rong Zhang, ShiHuai Deng. Interactions between China׳s economy, energy and the air emissions and their policy implications. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2014, 38: 624-638. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2014.07.002. SCI-000341676100047 (SCI/ EI, 2013IF=5.51)
22. 李缙荣,张小洪*,张航宾,潘恒宇,刘强. 污水处理综合系统环境经济效益评估. 应用生态学报, 2015, 26(8):2482-2492. CSCD-5499023 (CSCD, 责任作者)
23. 李缙荣,张小洪*.基于能值和产业视角的兴文县可持续性评价. 生态学杂志, 2014, 33(7):1989-1996. CSCD-5199015 (CSCD, 责任作者)
24. Xiaohong Zhang*, LiqianWu, Rong Zhang, Shihuai Deng,Yanzong Zhang; Jun Wu; Yuan wei Li; Lili Lin; Li Li;Yinjun Wang; Lilin Wang. Evaluating the relationships among economic growth, energy consumption, air emissions and air environmental protection investment in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2013, 18: 259-270. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2012.10.029. SCI-000315244300024 (SCI/SSCI/ EI, 2011IF=6.018)
25. Xiao-Hong Zhang*, Rong Zhang, Li-Qian Wu, Shi-Huai Deng, Li-Li Lin, Xiao-Yu Yu. The interactions among China’s economic growth and its energy consumption and emissions during 1978–2007. Ecological Indicators, 2013, 24 (1): 83–95. Doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2012.06.004. SCI-000311059900010 (SCI/SSCI/EI, 2011IF=2.695)
26. Xiaohong Zhang*, Jing Han, Hui Zhao, Shihuai Deng, Hong Xiao; Hong Peng; Yuanwei Li; Gang Yang; Fei Shen; Yanzong Zhang. Evaluating the interplays among economic growth and energy consumption and CO2 emission of China during 1990–2007. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2012, 16(1): 65-72. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2011.07.137. SCI-000298764500007 (SCI/SSCI/EI, 2011IF=6.018)
27. Xiao-Hong Zhang*, He Hu, Jing Han, Shi-Huai Deng, Hong Xiao; Hong Peng; Yuan-Wei Li; Fei Shen; Xin-Yao Yang; Jun Wu; Yan-Zong Zhang; Hui Qi. Several novel indicators being applied to analyze the relationships between Chinese economic growth, energy consumption and its impact of emissions. Ecological Indicators, 2012, 15 (1): 52–62. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2011.09.026. SCI-000298129100007 (SCI/SSCI/EI, 2011IF=2.695)
28. XiaoHong Zhang*, ShiHuai Deng, YanZong Zhang, Gang Yang; Li Li; Hui Qi; Hong Xiao; Jun Wu; YingJun Wang; Fei Shen. Emergy evaluation of the impact of waste exchanges on the sustainability of industrial systems. Ecological Engineering, 2011, 37 (2): 206–216. doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2010.10.001. SCI-000287387000012 (SCI/EI, 2011 IF=3.106)
29. Xiao Hong Zhang*, ShiHuai Deng, WenJu Jiang, YanZong Zhang, Hong Peng, Li Li, Gang Yang, YuanWei Li. Emergy evaluation of the sustainability of two industrial systems based on wastes exchanges. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2010, 55(2): 182-195. doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.2010.09.007. SCI-000285659100012 ( SCI/EI, 2011IF=1.759)
30. Xiaohong Zhang*, Wenju Jiang, Shihuai Deng, Kui Peng. Emergy evaluation of the sustainability of Chinese steel production during 1998–2004. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2009, 17 (11): 1030–1038. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2009.02.014. SCI-000272672800008 (SCI/EI, 2011IF=2.727)
31. XiaoHong Zhang*, ShiHuai Deng, Jun Wu, Wenju Jiang. A sustainability analysis of a municipal sewage treatment ecosystem based on emergy. Ecological Engineering, 2010, 36(5): 685-696. doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2009.12.010. SCI-000277872800009 (SCI/EI, 2011 IF=3.106)
32. Xiao-Hong Zhang*. The Study on Flocculation Treating Wastewater from Domestic Animals and Poultry Breeding. IERI Procedia 2014; 9: 2 – 7. DOI:http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/
33. Xiao-Hong Zhang*. A Study on the Water Environmental Quality Assessment of Fenjiang River in Yaan City of Sichuan Province in China. IERI Procedia 2014; 9: 102 – 109. DOI:http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/
34. Liqian Wu, Xiaohong Zhang*, Dewen Liu, Hong Peng, Teng Long. Activated Carbons Derived from Livestock Sewage Sludge and Their Absorption Ability for the Livestock Sewage. IERI Procedia 2014; 9: 33 – 42. DOI:http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/(责任作者)
35. 张小洪*,彭小龙,全庞羽,俞舒迈,张琼月,夏洵,王雅娜,严帅. 家庭生活用能对二氧化碳排放的影响分析. 资源科学,2011,33(9):1668-1673. CSCD-4339190
36. 张小洪*,邓仕槐,肖鸿,张延宗. 废物处理方式对工业系统可持续性影响的能值分析.资源科学,2010,32(9):1806-1813. CSCD-4051301
37. 张小洪*, 蒋文举. 城市污水处理生态系统能值分析. 生态学报,2008,28(5):2300-2308. CSCD-3283853
38. 张小洪*, 蒋文举, 伍钧, 张天洪. 改进的能值指标用于分析污水处理生态系统. 资源科学, 2009, 31(2): 250-256. CSCD-3520265
39. 张小洪*, 蒋文举. 污泥处置方式对污水处理系统可持续性的影响. 生态环境, 2008, 17(1): 93-98. CSCD-3274876
40. 张小洪*, 蒋文举. 拓展的能值指标用于评价工业系统可持续性的研究. 安徽农业科学, 2008,36(12): 5151-5154, 5157.
41. 张小洪*,袁红梅,蒋文举. 油菜地CO2 、N2 O排放及其影响因素. 生态与农村环境学报,2007,23 (3): 5-8. CSCD-2839805
42. 张小洪*, 邓仕槐, 漆辉. SBR和PACT法处理造纸废水的对比研究. 77779193永利官网学报, 2005, 23(1): 58-60,89. CSCD-1911819
43. 张小洪*, 邓仕槐, 漆辉. 水解酸化-好氧生物流化床工艺处理龙须草制浆废水. 污染防治技术, 2005, 18(2): 7-10.
44. 张小洪*, 漆玉邦. 水解酸化法处理龙须草制浆废水的条件研究. 77779193永利官网学报, 2002, 20(2): 131-133. CSCD-1142067
45. 张小洪*, 漆玉邦. 好氧生物流化床法处理龙须草制浆废水的研究. 77779193永利官网学报, 2002, 20(3): 239-241. CSCD-1128765
46. 张小洪*,税伟. 基于能值的兴文石海风景名胜区可持续发展研究. 四川地质学报,2009, 29(增刊): 7-10, 16.
47. 张小洪*,伍钧,邓仕槐,张延宗,肖鸿. 大气污染控制工程课程教学改革的思考. 四川省2010年学术年会论文集,2011,908-910.
1、环境保护概论,参编,第五章,四川大学出版社,2002,ISBN: 7-5614-2497-3;
2、农村环境保护常识,主编,天地出版社,2009,ISBN: 9787807267386;
3、中国西部地区低碳发展与能力建设研究,参编,第二章,四川大学出版社,2014,ISBN: 978-7-5614-7539-3。
4、中国兴文世界地质公园绿色发展分析与创新对策,参编,第十章,光明日报出版社,2011-12,ISBN: 978-7-5112-2118-6.
(1) Yanfeng Lyu, Xiangdong Yang, Hengyu Pan, Xiaohong Zhang, Haoxing Cao, Sergio Ulgiati, Jun Wu, Yanzong Zhang, Guiyin Wang, Yinlong Xiao. Impact of fertilization schemes with different ratios of urea to controlled release nitrogen fertilizer on environmental sustainability, nitrogen use efficiency and economic benefit of rice production: A study case from Southwest China. Journal of Cleaner Production 2021; 293: 126198.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.126198(SCI/EI, 2019IF=7.246)
(2) Yanfeng Lyu, Xiaohong Zhang, Xiangdong Yang, Jun Wu, Lili Lin, Yanzong Zhang, Guiyin Wang, Yinlong Xiao, Hong Peng, Xuemei Zhu, Xiaoyu Yu. Performance assessment of rice production based on yield, economic output, energy consumption, and carbon emissions in Southwest China during 2004–2016. Ecological Indicators 2020, 117: 106667. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106667 (SCI/EI, 2019IF=4.229)
(3) Yuhong Chen, Xiaohong Zhang, Xiangdong Yang, Yanfeng Lv, Jun Wu, Lili Lin, Yanzong Zhang, Guiyin Wang, Yinlong Xiao, Xuemei Zhu, Xiaoyu Yu, Hong Peng. Emergy evaluation and economic analysis of compound fertilizer production: A case study from China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 260: 121095. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.121095. (SCI/EI, 2018IF=6.395)
(4) Jianming Shen, Xiaohong Zhang, Yanfeng Lv, Xiangdong Yang, Jun Wu, Lili Lin, Yanzong Zhang. An improved emergy evaluation of the environmental sustainability of China’s steel production from 2005 to 2015. Ecological Indicators, 2019; 103: 55–69. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.03.051. SCI- 000470965300006 (SCI/SSCI, 2018IF=4.49)
(5) Yashuang Feng, Xiaohong Zhang*, Yanfeng Lv, Yangfan Chen, Xiangdong Yang, Wenjie Liao, Jun Wu, Lili Lin, Xiaoyu Yu, Yanzong Zhang. Performance evaluation of two flue gas denitration systems in China using an emergy-based combined approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 204: 803-818. (SCI, 2017IF=5.651)
(6) Yan Qi, Xiaohong Zhang*, Xiangdong Yang, Yanfeng Lv, Jun Wu, Lili Lin, Yinlong Xiao, Hui Qi, Xiaoyu Yu, Yanzong Zhang. The environmental sustainability evaluation of an urban tap water treatment plant based on emergy. Ecological Indicators, 2018; 94: 28–38. (SCI, 2017IF=3.983)
(7) Yanqing Wang , Xiaohong Zhang*, Wenjie Liao, Jun Wu, Xiangdong Yang, Wei Shui, Shihuai Deng, Yanzong Zhang, Lili Lin, Yinlong Xiao, Xiaoyu Yu, Hong Peng. Investigating impact of waste reuse on the sustainability of municipal solid waste (MSW) incineration industry using emergy approach: A case study from Sichuan province, China . Waste Management, 2018; 77: 252-267. (SCI, 2017IF=4.723)
(8) Hengyu Pan, Xiaohong Zhang, Yanqing Wang, Yan Qi, Jun Wu, Lili Lin, Hong Peng, Hui Qi, Xiaoyu Yu, Yanzong Zhang. Emergy evaluation of an industrial park in Sichuan Province, China: A modified emergy approach and its application. Journal of Cleaner Production 2016; 135:105-118. (SCI/EI, 2015IF=4.959,第1,3,4作者为研究生)
(9) Hengyu Pan, Xiaohong Zhang, Jun Wu, Yanzong Zhang, Lili Lin, Gang Yang, Shihuai Deng, Li Li, Xiaoyu Yu, Hui Qi, Hong Peng. Sustainability evaluation of a steel production system in China based on emergy. Journal of Cleaner Production 2016; 112: 1498-1509. (SCI/EI, 2014IF=3.884,第1作者为研究生)
(10) He Hu, Xiao-Hong Zhang, Li-Li Lin. The interactions between China’s economic growth, energy production and consumption and the related air emissions during 2000–2011. Ecological Indicators, 2014, 46: 38–51.(SCI, 2013IF=3.23,第1作者为研究生)
(11) Liqian Wu, Xiaohong Zhang, Dewen Liu, Hong Peng, Teng Long. Activated Carbons Derived from Livestock Sewage Sludge and Their Absorption Ability for the Livestock Sewage. IERI Procedia 2014; 9: 33 – 42. (EI/ISTP, 第1作者为研究生)
(12) 李缙荣,张小洪,张航宾,潘恒宇,刘强. 污水处理综合系统环境经济效益评估. 应用生态学报, 2015, 26(8):2482-2492. (CSCD, 责任作者)
(13) 李缙荣,张小洪.基于能值和产业视角的兴文县可持续性评价. 生态学杂志, 2014, 33(7):1989-1996. (CSCD,第1作者为本科生)
(1) Xiaohong Zhang, Ni Xiang, Hengyu Pan, Xiangdong Yang, Jun Wu, Yanzong Zhang, Hongbing Luo, Changlian Xu. Performance comparison of cement production before and after implementing heat recovery power generation based on emergy analysis and economic evaluation: A case from China. Journal of Cleaner Production 2021; 290: 125901.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.125901(SCI/EI, 2019IF=7.246,第2作者为研究生)
(2) Xiaohong Zhang, Ni Xiang, Wenlong Wang, Wenjie Liao, Xiangdong Yang, Wei Shui, Jun Wu, Shihuai Deng. An emergy evaluation of the sewage sludge treatment system with earthworm compositing technology in Chengdu, China. ecological engineering, 2018,110:8-17. (SCI, 2016IF=2.914,第2,3作者为研究生)
(3) Xiaohong Zhang, Jianming Shen, Yanqing Wang, Yan Qi, Wenjie Liao, Wei Shui, Li Li, Hui Qi, Xiaoyu Yu. An environmental sustainability assessment of China’s cement industry based on emergy. Ecological indicators,2017; 72: 452-458. (SCI/EI, 2015IF=3.190,第2,3,4作者为研究生)
(4) Xiaohong Zhang, Yan Qi, Yanqing Wang, Jun Wu, Lili Lin, Hong Peng, Hui Qi, Xiaoyu Yu, Yanzong Zhang. Effect of the tap water supply system on China’s economy and energy consumption, and its emissions’ impact. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2016; 64: 660-671. (SCI/EI, 2015IF=6.798,第2,3作者为研究生)
(5) Xiaohong Zhang, Yanqing Wang, Yan Qi, Jun Wu, Wenjie Liao, Wei Shui, Yanzong Zhang, Shihuai Deng, Hong Peng, Xiaoyu Yu, Hui Qi. Evaluating the trends of China's ecological civilization construction using a novel indicator system. Journal of Cleaner Production 2016;133: 910-923. (SCI/EI, 2015IF=4.959,第2,3作者为研究生)
(6) Xiao-Hong Zhang, Rong Zhang, Jun Wu, Yan-Zong Zhang, Li-Li Lin, Shi-Huai Deng, Li Li, Gang Yang, Xiao-Yu Yu, Hui Qi, Hong Peng. An emergy evaluation of the sustainability of Chinese crop production system during 2000-2010. Ecological Indicators, 2016; (60): 622-633. (SCI/EI, 2014IF=3.444,第2作者为研究生)
(7) XiaoHong Zhang, Jun Cao, JinRong Li, ShiHuai Deng, YanZong Zhang, Jun Wu. Influence of sewage treatment on China's energy consumption and economy and its performances. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015; 49: 1009–1018. (SCI/EI, 2014IF=5.901,第2,3作者为研究生)
(8) XiaoHong Zhang;Ye Wei;HengYu Pan;Hong Xiao;Jun Wu;YanZong Zhang. The comparison of performances of a sewage treatment system before and after implementing the cleaner production measure. Journal of cleaner production, 2015; 91: 216-228. (SCI/EI, 2013IF=3.590,第2,3作者为研究生)
(9) XiaoHong Zhang, HengYu Pan, Jun Cao, JinRong Li. Energy consumption of China’s crop production system and the related emissions. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015, 43:111–125. (SCI/ EI, 2013IF=5.51,第2,3,4作者为研究生)
(10) XiaoHong Zhang, Ye Wei, Min Li, ShiHuai Deng, Jun Wu, YanZong Zhang, Hong Xiao. Emergy evaluation of an integrated livestockwastewater treatment system. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2014, 92: 95–107. (SCI/EI, 2013IF=2.692,第2,3作者为研究生)
(11) XiaoHong Zhang, He Hu, Rong Zhang, ShiHuai Deng. Interactions between China׳s economy, energy and the air emissions and their policy implications. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2014, 38: 624-638. (SCI/ EI, 2013IF=5.51,第2,3作者为研究生)
(12) Xiaohong Zhang, LiqianWu, Rong Zhang, Shihuai Deng,Yanzong Zhang, Jun Wu, Yuan wei Li, Lili Lin, Li Li,Yinjun Wang, Lilin Wang. Evaluating the relationships among economic growth, energy consumption, air emissions and air environmental protection investment in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2013, 18: 259-270. (SCI/SSCI/ EI, 2011IF=6.018,第2,3作者为研究生)
(13) Xiao-Hong Zhang, Rong Zhang, Li-Qian Wu, Shi-Huai Deng, Li-Li Lin, Xiao-Yu Yu. The interactions among China’s economic growth and its energy consumption and emissions during 1978–2007. Ecological Indicators, 2013, 24 (1) : 83–95.(SCI/SSCI/EI, 2011IF=2.695,第2,3作者为研究生)
(14) Xiaohong Zhang, Jing Han, Hui Zhao, Shihuai Deng, Hong Xiao, Hong Peng, Yuanwei Li, Gang Yang, Fei Shen, Yanzong Zhang. Evaluating the interplays among economic growth and energy consumption and CO2 emission of China during 1990–2007. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2012, 16(1): 65-72. (SCI/SSCI/EI, 2011IF=6.018,第2,3作者为研究生)
(15) Xiao-Hong Zhang, He Hu, Jing Han, Shi-Huai Deng, Hong Xiao, Hong Peng, Yuan-Wei Li, Fei Shen, Xin-Yao Yang, Jun Wu, Yan-Zong Zhang, Hui Qi. Several novel indicators being applied to analyze the relationships between Chinese economic growth, energy consumption and its impact of emissions. Ecological Indicators, 2012, 15 (1): 52–62. (SCI/SSCI/EI, 2011IF=2.695,第2,3作者为研究生)
(16) 张小洪,彭小龙,全庞羽,俞舒迈,张琼月,夏洵,王雅娜,严帅. 家庭生活用能对二氧化碳排放的影响分析. 资源科学,2011,33(9):1668-1673. (CSCD,第2-8